Palm Springs home vandalized with graffiti

UPDATE: PSPD: Vandalism in Palm Springs has indications of gang graffiti
Residents of a normally quiet Palm Springs neighborhood woke up Friday morning to find that one of the homes on their neighborhood was hit with graffiti.
The home, located near Via Escuela and Avenida Caballeros, has the word "Crip" spray-painted on the side of the home along with what looks like the star of David with pitchforks.
Silva Signoret, a resident who lives in the neighborhood, said this kind of crime isn't typical in the area.
"This is really sad. I don't believe we have any gangs going on here. I think this is a random act of stupidity more than anything else. I've lived in this neighborhood and raised my kids for about 25 years, we've never had these kinds of issues here so I don't believe it's gangs, it's just kids being dumb," Signoret said.