Virtual Riverside County veterans job fair scheduled for next week
Public and private sector employers will conduct interviews and possibly make tentative job offers during a virtual job fair for veterans next week.
Organized by the Riverside County Department of Housing, Homelessness and Workforce Solutions, the job fair will be held Tuesday from 9 a.m. to noon with video-conferencing software.
More than 17 employers were signed up as of Thursday, according to organizers.
Public sector entities include SunLine Transit Agency, the Department of Veteran Affairs and multiple Riverside County agencies. Private sector participants include Amazon, SunLogix, Renova Energy Corp., Farmers Insurance and Winslow Drake Investment Management.
U.S. military veterans are urged to attend a "pre-event" slated for Friday where they can get tips on how to navigate Premier Virtual, the job and career fair platform to be used during next week's job fair.
Both morning and afternoon sessions are scheduled -- 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. or 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Additional tips for navigating the process will also be provided, including resume and interviewing advice. Unlike tradition career fairs where employers can beckon prospective employees over to their tables, attendees must make the first move at the virtual event.
"entering'' the virtual job fair, attendees will have the option of several "vendor booths'' in the form of dashboard icons. They can click on the icon and begin chatting with hiring managers instantly.
Job seekers can register at