Major change coming to unemployment benefits
The Employment Development Department (EDD) announced a huge change to it's two-step process, that unlocks payments for thousands of people who have gone some time without it.
When applying to receive unemployment benefits, you must under-go a two-step process.
The first step involves state officials determining whether or not a person is eligible for the payment.
If eligible, payments are received automatically. However, the state needs to receive confirmation every two weeks of eligibility.
In some instances, an investigation is opened to confirm continued eligibility. During this investigation payments are put on hold.
Before the pandemic the EDD said investigations didn't take too long. Since then however, the department said it is weeks out for eligibility interviews.
The recent change will now allow those who qualify to continue receiving unemployment benefits even as an investigation on someone's eligibility is underway.
This change only applies to people who have certified for benefits and who have already received at least one week of payment in the past.
The department said it has begun mailing individual notices to inform those receiving the benefits of their specific search requirements for work that apply to their claim.