College Of Desert trustee Rubén Pérez pleads guilty to DUI
College of the Desert trustee Rubén Pérez pled guilty to DUI charges last month, the Riverside County District Attorney's office confirmed.
On May 15, Pérez was sentenced to four days in custody, which he would serve under a work release program. He was also sentenced to 36 months of summary probation.
According to the Riverside County District Attorney's office, probation terms include enrolling in and satisfactorily completing a first-offender DUI program for nine months, which must be completed by June 18, 2025.
Pérez was arrested at around 12:50 a.m. near the intersection of Avenue 52 and Silverrock in La Quinta on February 10.
Pérez apologized for the arrest in a text to News Channel 3/Telemundo 15.
"A few weeks ago I made a terrible mistake of which I am truly sorry," Pérez wrote. "I'd like to sincerely apologize to my family, friends and community. I will do everything in my power to learn and grow from this."
Pérez is currently serving his second four-year term as trustee representing Area 1, which covers a large portion of the east valley. He was reelected to the COD board of trustees in November 2022.

He is the son of Riverside County District 4 Supervisor Manuel Pérez.