Twentynine Palms holds disaster training class to prepare residents
Twentynine Palms hosted a class to help prepare its residents for possible natural disasters in the future.
Experts with Team Rubicon, a volunteer disaster response program lead the class.
During the free session residents learned how to prepare for disasters like heavy rain and flash flooding.
Team Rubicon also provided a tutorial on how to protect a home or business using sand bags and tarps.
City leaders brought the training to Twentynine Palms to better equip residents and help them face the next storm safely.
"Of course, the city's going to do everything they can to immediately respond, but the more people can get trained up, the more they can get that emergency food and water and equipment in their houses, the safer they're going to be," said Twentynine Palms City Manager, Stone James.
The training class comes after two recent monsoonal storms prompted flash flood warnings in the area.
Several homes and businesses were hit hard, damaged by flood water and mudslides.
The city worked to quickly repair several damaged roads and bridges after the storm.