Two hikers rescued after heat illness while on a trail in Palm Springs

Two hikers were rescued from a trail in Palm Springs after experiencing heat illness.
The incident was first reported at around 12:50 p.m. on Frank Bogert Trail, located at Andreas Hills Drive.
According to the Palm Springs Fire Dept., two hikers were unable to finish the hike due to heat illness. A stokes basket was used to remove them from the trail.
The hikers were treated by paramedics and transported to the hospital.
First Alert Meteorologist Patrick Evans said the temperatures in Palm Springs around 1:00 p.m. showed it was 115 degrees. That's close to a record for the day for the city.

Over the past years, the Palm Springs Fire Dept. has urged hikers to take extra precautions when hiking in and around the city during high temperatures. Here are a few important tips PSFD shared for residents and visitors hiking in the heat:
- Start Early. It's best to hike in the morning hours, prior to 9 a.m., when it is cooler.
- Hike with a Buddy. Never hike alone. It is always best to have a friend with you. Let someone know where you are going and your return time.
- Cover Up. Wear long sleeves to help shield your body from the sun. Wear a hat, preferably wide-brimmed
- Remember to apply sunscreen often, as recommended, and wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.
- Stay Hydrated. Pack and drink a minimum of 1 liter of water per hour and drink often!
- Bring nutrition/food. Bring trail mix-style packs, dried fruit or veggies, and energy bars, chews, or gels.
- Remember to rest. Take frequent breaks and find shade so your body can cool down.
- Know the signs of heat-related emergencies. Common signs are headache, dizziness, muscle cramps, nausea, and disorientation. If you experience any of these symptoms, turn back or call for help. Don’t hesitate to call 911.
- Take a cell phone/GPS. Make sure they are fully charged.
- Other Items to bring. Bring a map, first aid kit, flashlight, and additional water/electrolytes.