Pet pig stolen at local hiking trail reunited with owner
Update 3/20/25
Suebelle, the stolen pig in Palm Springs, has been found following our report.
Randel, her owner, says he received an anonymous tip on Wednesday night. The tip led him to a home address in Cathedral City.
Police arrived to investigate and found her.
But the three men Randel says stole the pig were not in the home. The people inside told him the pig was sold to them at a Walmart parking lot.
An investigation continues.
PALM SPRINGS, Calif. (KESQ) - A pet pig was stolen on the Palm Hills Trail behind the Von's Rimrock shopping center in Palm Springs around 7:00 PM on Tuesday.
According to the owner, three men seized her and took off running just feet away from him.
“She’s very friendly. Everybody knows her here that hikes here in the evening. She was in training to be a therapy pig. She loves people. She’s very interactive... She’s a big part, sorry I’m going to cry now, she’s a big part of our family. We love her and we just want her back.”
Randel, owner and Palm Springs resident
The pig, named Suebelle, is six months.

This incident a reminder for pet owners to take extra precautions.
“Make sure they are supposed to stay on a leash on trails that they are allowed on. Just be careful they don’t get too close to other hikers when you’re on a trial."
Shirl Donahue, Coachella Valley Hiking Club
"The big thing to know is that in Coachella Valley, most of the hiking trails are off limits.”
Susanne Young, Coachella Valley Hiking Club
Palm Springs Police confirmed the incident was reported Tuesday night. The suspects escaped in a grey or silver Honda or Nissan sedan, according to witnesses
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