Cathedral City enhances online permitting portal for residents

Cathedral City is continuing to make significant strides in enhancing its offering of online services to residents.
In response to the increasing demand for more accessible and efficient city services, Cathedral City has launched an online permitting portal.

Since December of last year, staff have implemented many new online services, making it easier and faster for residents and businesses to access essential services at any time of the day without having to leave their home/office.
Online there are currently sixty-two building, engineering, and fire permits, and three planning applications available: General Plan and Zoning Confirmation, Preliminary Review, and Zoning Compliance Letter. Garage sale permits are also available online.
By the end of August, staff anticipates having over 100+ permits/plans/licenses all available through the City's online portal, including business licenses.
Some of the permits available now include: Expedited HVAC Residential Changeout, Expedited Residential Main Service Panel Changeout, Expedited Residential Reroof, Expedited Water Heater, Expedited Window/Door, Plumbing (Residential), Residential Addition and Alteration, Residential Solar PV Roof Installation, Residential Fence/Walls, Residential Pool/Spa, Non-Residential Tenant Improvements, Utility Encroachment, Grading, Park Permit Reservations, Pool Drain Permit: Residential/Non-Residential, and Precise Grade Residential.
Rapid Permit Issuance and Solar Permitting (Same Day Permitting)
Through the implementation of Solar App+ the City has reduced the time it takes to process a residential
solar permit from several weeks to the same day. With just the click of a button, residents can get their
permit issued and then move on to schedule an
inspection. Click this link for more information and log in information for Solar App+.
City-Wide E-Plan Checking
Submitting three sets of paper copies of building plans is a thing of the past. The Building Department is
now accepting all plans electronically through the online portal.
City-Wide Building Inspection Requests Online
Individuals are now able to schedule any building inspection online through the portal. This will replace
the call-in number to schedule inspections.
Public Kiosks available with paper scanning ability.
Don’t have a computer or scanner to upload documents? No problem. The City has implemented public
kiosks with paper scanning abilities at City Hall, the Fire Administration Offices, and the Police
Accessing Online Services
To access any of the City’s online permitting, licensing, and plan-check services, one must first create an
account. Click here for how to instructions to register and create an account.