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Month: December 2020

California hospitals stressed to the ‘brink of catastrophe’ by the coronavirus surge

Overflowing hospital morgues, increased 911 wait times, beds only opening when patients die. Hospitals in California, where almost all of the state’s 40 million residents are living under stay-at-home orders, are seeing historic stress points. The surge of new coronavirus cases and hospitalizations is pushing hospitals in Los Angeles County to the “brink of catastrophe,”

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Andre Hill’s friend told police he was just dropping off ‘Christmas money’ when he was shot, new body camera footage shows

New body camera footage released by Columbus, Ohio, police Thursday shows the moments after Andre Hill was shot by a police officer — including Hill’s body being handcuffed as he lay on the ground and a woman telling police he was there to bring her Christmas money and “didn’t do anything.” The Columbus Division of

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Desesperada búsqueda de una mujer reportada como desaparecida cuando se dirigia supuestamente al Parque Joshua Tree

Holly Jochum fue reportada como desaparecida por su madre el domingo 30 de diciembre, confirmó el Departamento del Sheriff del Condado de San Bernardino. Holly tiene el pelo castaño y los ojos verdes. Su cabello es un poco más largo según la familiaSegún un volante de personas desaparecidas, Jochum originalmente subió a gran oso con

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