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Month: March 2021

¿Cuán frecuente es la reinfección por el coronavirus y en quienes ocurre más frecuentemente?

(CNN Español) – La reinfección de coronavirus es un hecho probado científicamente. Sin embargo, no todas las personas que padecieron la enfermedad vuelven a enfermarse una segunda vez. Un estudio publicado en The Lancet encontró quiénes son los más susceptibles a padecer covid-19 una segunda oportunidad. Puedes escuchar este episodio en Apple Podcasts, Spotify o

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Maryland moves to repeal its state song, a pro-Confederate anthem that urges violence and calls Lincoln a ‘despot’

Maryland’s oft-debated state song, a relic of the Confederacy that calls Union supporters “Northern scum,” is one signature away from being repealed. The state’s House of Delegates voted Monday to repeal “Maryland, My Maryland” as the state song. It’s the closest legislators have come to removing the pro-Confederate song from the state canon in decades.

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Amazon and Paramount+ pull controversial virus-focused SpongeBob episode

Two “SpongeBob SquarePants” episodes are no longer available on Paramount+ and Amazon because of inappropriate content. One episode, “Kwarantined Crab,” from the show’s 12th season, centers on a virus storyline. “We have decided to not air it due to sensitivities surrounding the global, real-world pandemic,” a spokesperson for Nickelodeon told CNN Business. In the episode,

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‘Immediate and drastic.’ The climate crisis is seriously spooking economists

Worsening inequality, trillions of dollars in economic damage and depressed economic growth. Those are the outcomes that economists fear we will face unless the world aggressively confronts the climate crisis. Nearly three-quarters (74%) of economists agree “immediate and drastic” action is warranted to curb emissions, according to a survey released Tuesday from the Institute for

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Covid-19 PPE litter is killing wildlife

Waste from lifesaving personal protective equipment (PPE) is killing birds, fish and other wildlife across the globe, a study has found. Animals are fatally ingesting or becoming entangled in discarded latex gloves and disposable face masks, while others have started building their homes using the same material, researchers said. “As always with these single-use items,

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Las vacunas de Pfizer y Moderna son 90% efectivas después de dos dosis en condiciones del mundo real, según estudio de los CDC

(CNN) — En condiciones del mundo real, las vacunas de Pfizer y Moderna contra el covid-19 brindan una protección altamente efectiva, según un nuevo informe de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades de EE.UU. (CDC, por sus siglas en inglés). Con la vacunación completa, las vacunas fueron 90% efectivas para prevenir

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