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Month: March 2024

Inicio de juicio y pago de multa en caso por fraude: lo más destacado de la salvaje jornada judicial de Donald Trump

Melissa Velásquez Loaiza (CNN) — Donald Trump recibió este lunes un salvavidas de los tribunales y una fecha para el primer juicio penal contra un expresidente en la historia de EE.UU., un par de sentencias que golpearon el torbellino legal que constantemente lo rodea. Las dos sentencias de este lunes, que se produjeron con aproximadamente

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La administración de Biden acusa y sanciona a hackers chinos acusados ​​de realizar una amplia campaña de espionaje contra objetivos estadounidenses

Belén Liotti (CNN) — La administración Biden anunció este lunes una acusación penal y sanciones contra varios hackers chinos por presuntamente realizar ataques masivos contra empresas y funcionarios gubernamentales estadounidenses en nombre del servicio de inteligencia civil de China. Siete hombres chinos fueron procesados ​​en un tribunal federal estadounidense en el Distrito Este de Nueva

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National monument on California-Oregon border will remain intact after surviving legal challenge

ASHLAND, Oregon (AP) — The Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, a remote expanse of wilderness along the California-Oregon border, will not lose any of its acreage after the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to take up two challenges to its expansion. Logging interests and several counties in Oregon had asked the high court to strike down

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National monument on California-Oregon border will remain intact after surviving legal challenge

ASHLAND, Oregon (AP) — The Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, a remote expanse of wilderness along the California-Oregon border, will not lose any of its acreage after the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to take up two challenges to its expansion. Logging interests and several counties in Oregon had asked the high court to strike down

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Forest fires burn in nearly half of Mexico’s drought-stricken states, fueled by strong winds.

By FÉLIX MÁRQUEZ Associated Press NOGALES, Mexico (AP) — Forest fires were burning in nearly half of Mexico’s drought-stricken states fueled by strong winds. The National Forestry Commission reported 58 active fires in 15 states, including in protected nature reserves in Morelos, Veracruz and Mexico states. A preliminary estimate of the affected area reached more

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‘Duty to warn’ guided US advance warning of the Moscow attack. Adversaries don’t always listen

By ELLEN KNICKMEYER Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. warning to Russia couldn’t have been plainer: Two weeks before the deadliest attack in Russia in years, Americans had publicly and privately advised President Vladimir Putin’s government that “extremists” had “imminent plans” for just such slaughter. The United States shared those advance intelligence indications under

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