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Month: September 2024

Los críticos denuncian que el gobierno de Nayib Bukele es una dictadura. Pero estas personas dicen que nunca se han sentido tan libres.

Sol Amaya San Salvador, El Salvador (CNN)–Durante décadas, las opciones de vida para muchos en El Salvador fueron sombrías: irse o morir. Apodada la “capital mundial del asesinato”, hubo un promedio de un homicidio por hora a principios de 2016, en este país de solo 6 millones de habitantes, dos millones menos de los que

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Estados miembros de la ONU instan al CNE a publicar de inmediato las actas de las elecciones de Venezuela

Sofía Benavides (CNN Español) — Una declaración conjunta que formularon 41 países miembros de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) este jueves solicita al Consejo Nacional Electoral de Venezuela (CNE) publicar inmediatamente los resultados de todas las mesas electorales y permitir la verificación de los datos desagregados para promover la credibilidad del proceso electoral del 28 de

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Congressional Democrats push resolution that says hospitals must provide emergency abortions

Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — A resolution introduced by Congressional Democrats would make clear that U.S. emergency rooms need to provide emergency abortions when a woman’s health or life is at risk, despite strict state abortion bans. Legislators cited a report by The Associated Press that found more than 100 pregnant women have been denied

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US House clears a largely bipartisan package of bills to counter China

Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. House this week approved a sweeping package of bills to counter China’s influence, shoring up a largely bipartisan push to ensure America comes out ahead in the competition between the world’s superpowers. The efforts would ban Chinese-made drones, limit China-linked biotech companies from access to the U.S. market,

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What passengers need to know about their rights ahead of a possible Air Canada strike

By Christl Dabu Click here for updates on this story     TORONTO (CTV Network) — As contract negotiations continue, passengers face potential headaches from cancelled flights and trip disruptions as early as Sunday. While Air Canada has shared advice for travellers ahead of a possible pilots strike, an airline passenger rights advocate has more tips for

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The man who discovered Winston Churchill’s picture was stolen was treated like a suspect; now he’s being honoured

By Judy Trinh Click here for updates on this story     OTTAWA (CTV Network) — When the “Roaring Lion” portrait of Winston Churchill is returned to the Fairmont Château Laurier, a 68-year-old man once considered the prime suspect in the heist will have the honour of mounting the iconic photograph in its oak-panelled home. The brazen

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Lawyer says Chinese doping case handled ‘reasonably’ but WADA failed to follow its rules

AP National Writer An investigator gave the World Anti-Doping Agency a pass on its handling of the case involving Chinese swimmers, but not without hammering away at the “unsatisfactory” way in which the agency disregarded key rules designed to safeguard global sports. WADA released the decision from Eric Cottier, the investigator it appointed to analyze

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