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Palm Springs Election

Voter Guide: Christy Holstege

Occupation:Palm Springs District 4 Councilmember Attorney and advocate Relevant Experience:Current Mayor Pro-TemThird-generation civil litigation attorneyServes on the Palm Springs Human Rights Commission and the Palm Springs Homelessness Task ForceServes on the board of directors for Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest, Well in the Desert, Coachella Valley Housing Coalition, and Shadylane Mobilehome Park Personal Information:Third-generation Palm

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Voter Guide: Mike McCulloch

OccupationCertified Public AccountantLocal businessowner Relevant Experience:Former Palm Springs Councilmember (2003 – 2007)Served on Palm Springs Human Rights Commission & Palm Springs Winter Park AuthorityFormer President of The Hundred Club Palm Springs and the Palm Springs Lions Club Personal Information:Palm Springs resident for nearly 50 yearsAttended elementary, middle, & high school in Palm SpringsDegree in Economics

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Voter Guide: Dian Torres

Occupation:Small business owner & healthcare worker Relevant Experience:Served on the CA Board of Barbering and CosmetologyFormer Ombudsman for Riverside CountyServed on a board that partnered with the City of Santa Barbara to develop housing for people living with AIDS Personal Information:Second-generation Mexican AmericanOwned in Palm Springs for 12 years Full-time resident for four years

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