Valley-Wide Employment Expo brings dozens of employers under one roof this morning
The 28th Valley-Wide Employment Expo is on September 20, where many Coachella Valley employers will set up shop and look to hire more employees. It's 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Fantasy Springs Casino Special Events Center.
There are a variety of employers who will be at the expo varying from careers in hospitality, healthcare, transportation, etc. Jobs will vary from entry-level positions to management positions.

More than 1,000 people attend every year as part of Riverside County's initiative to get more people employed.

“We’re here to support them and we’re here to help them put their best foot forward," explained Gene Kennedy, the Riverside County Department of Social Services Senior Public Information Specialist. "We want to see success. We want them to get that job that helps put them on a better economic track.”
September 12, the agency held 'Expo Workshops' at the Workforce Development Center in Indio. Those who attended the workshop learned prepare themselves before meeting potential employers.
Kennedy said the best way to show up on the day of the event is to arrive early to network with employers, bring multiple resume copies, and dress to impress.

There are some employers who conduct interviews on the spot.

Registration to attend the event is not required however it is recommended.