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Month: April 2021

Manslaughter charge in Daunte Wright’s death is a ‘good initial step,’ family lawyer says, as ex-officer is due in court

The family of Daunte Wright — the Black motorist shot and killed by a Minnesota police officer during an arrest attempt last weekend — sees a manslaughter charge filed against the officer as a “good initial step” toward justice, a lawyer for the relatives said Thursday. Wright’s mother Katie, however, later questioned whether even justice

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Maxine Waters tells Jim Jordan to ‘shut your mouth’ after Covid-19 hearing erupts

Republican Rep. Jim Jordan and the nation’s top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci got into a heated exchange Thursday over the country’s Covid-19 mitigation measures, which ended with Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters telling Jordan to “shut your mouth.” During a House subcommittee hearing about federal government’s response to the pandemic, Jordan, an Ohio conservative,

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El Fondo Monetario Internacional mejora los pronósticos para el 2021 en América Latina y el Caribe, pero advierte de los riesgos

(CNN) — La persistencia de la pandemia de covid-19 en muchos países de América Latina y el Caribe nubla el panorama económico de la región, por lo que ciudadanos y economías necesitan de algún tipo de alivio para salir de la crisis, advirtió el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI). El organismo estima que será hasta 2024

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EE.UU. sancionará a Rusia y expulsará a sus diplomáticos en respuesta a interferencia electoral, dicen fuentes

(CNN) –– El gobierno del presidente Joe Biden anunciaría este jueves sanciones contra personas y entidades de Rusia, además de la expulsión de hasta una docena de diplomáticos rusos de EE.UU., como respuesta al hackeo de SolarWinds y la interferencia electoral, según dos fuentes familiarizadas con los planes. ¿Qué hay detrás del mensaje de Biden

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Private spat between McConnell and Pelosi regarding RBG’s memorial at Capitol highlighted in new book

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has never kept quiet about her distaste for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, but an anecdote from an upcoming book reveals details of a disagreement over the placement of the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s remains when they arrived on Capitol Hill for a memorial service. Pelosi told USA

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