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Now Hiring! Positions of all skill levels available to work for Riverside County

102820 Now Hiring - Caregivers Employment
Positions available in Riverside County

It's a career opportunity to help neighbors in need.

There's more than 100 jobs available across Riverside County in 40 different departments.

Opportunities are available for all skill and education levels, as the county looks to hire workers interested in improving the county's quality of life

"The common thread that runs through all of the positions in Riverside County, is that we are public servants" said Riverside County Department of Public Social Services spokesperson Gene Kennedy.

The Coachella Valley is specifically seeing a need for in-home caregivers.

"These are people that will help seniors and disabled residents with the day to day needs, and you don't need any specific job experience for a position like that," said Kennedy.

Health and dental benefits are offered in most positions, with training also included.

Temporary and full-time jobs are available as well.

"A lot of people have been hit by job losses, and many people even if they haven't lost their jobs or had their hours reduced, there are people that are really hurting in this pandemic, and Riverside County offers great opportunities."

You can find a list of more than 80 jobs available in the county here

More information about applying to be an in-home caregiver can be found here

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