Palm Springs Art Museum will have free admission every Thursday evening

The Palm Springs City Council approved funds to provide free admission into the Palm Springs Art Museum every Thursday evening starting on April 1.
"Our hope is that residents will take advantage of free admission from 5:00 to 7:00 pm on Thursday evenings to reacquaint themselves with the Museum or become members to support this wonderful cultural resource," said Ann Sheffer, Chair of the City of Palm Springs Public Arts Commission.
The city council approved the annual funding of $50,000 from the City’s Public Arts Fund in order to provide free admission.
The Palm Springs Art Museum has been closed for over a year due to the pandemic. The museum will official reopen to the public on April 1.
Officials said the museum has used the year-long closure to rehang most of the permanent collection, as well as install several major exhibits of work by Gerald Clarke and Agnes Pelton, both artists with roots in the Coachella Valley.
Additionally, in the south parking lot, visitors can see the beginnings of the permanent installation of the Aluminaire House – and across the street, preparation of a special carthemed sculpture that will be unveiled soon, with support from the City’s Public Arts Commission.
"The Palm Springs Art Museum is a wonderful cultural attraction in our City with a myriad of diverse and eclectic art on display for our residents and visitors to appreciate and enjoy," said Mayor Christy Holstege. "The City Council is delighted to support free admission Thursdays and we encourage everyone to take advantage of all the Museum has to offer."
Admission to the Museum will be by timed tickets, which are available on the Museum’s website at