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Gov Newsom: CA is ‘many days not weeks’ from lifting some restrictions

During today’s news conference, CA Governor Gavin Newsom said the state is “days not months” away from lifting some restrictions. Newsom had said earlier this week that we are “weeks not months” from lifting certain restrictions. “We’re getting very close to making very meaningful augmentations to that stay-at-home order. We said ‘weeks, not months’ about

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A different look for ShortFest 2020

The Palm Springs Film Society announced today that ShortFest 2020 will still be happening in June as planned, but with a different look. Due to coronavirus and the current guidelines set by the CDC, and state and local government, there will be no in-person festival this year. “So much of the ShortFest experience is rooted

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With kids stuck at home, some families are turning to, an online resource offering more than 10,000 classes.  The site is helping local families and teachers during quarantine.  Outschool is a marketplace of live, interactive online classes for kids. There are thousands of classes to pick from in subjects ranging from math and science

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#NeighborhoodHeroes: Cathedral City High School band members get involved in the community

Cathedral City High Band members were tasked with community service projects prior to closures March 13th. The kids came up with a variety of outreach projects and ways to get involved in helping the community during the coronavirus pandemic. These projects involved making face masks, volunteering with organizations, making goodie bags for neighbors, and backpacks

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