Protestors march in Palm Desert against closed businesses, stay-at-home order
Protestors marched down El Paseo in Palm Desert Wednesday afternoon against the new stay-at-home order and temporary closure of businesses like restaurants and salons.
The order closes most non-essential businesses, limits restaurants to take-out & delivery only, and caps capacity at 20 percent inside retail stores.
"It damages everything in California, said Paul Morgan. "Our economy, the lives of people look at all the restaurants that have had to close as a result of this."

Wednesday afternoon, more than 60 marchers held up signs calling for businesses to reopen, the resignation of Governor Gavin Newsom, and echoing Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco's statement to not enforcing the state's orders.

Attendees, many unmasked, walked down El Paseo with some business owners even coming out to cheer them on. There were also protesters who stayed in their cars but held signs and honked.
"If the big box stores can open up, everyone can open up they're just as responsible as Walmart, Target there's no difference," said Linda Pawinski, one of the attendees.

This comes as the county reports some of its highest day-to-day increases in cases, hospitalizations, and patients admitted into the ICU.
On Tuesday, Riverside County became the 11th county in the United States to pass 100,000 total cases. On Wednesday, the county broke its record for most COVID patients in the ICU with 172.

The group says they plan to protest again next week.

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