Month: November 2020

Attack on San Bernardino: 5 Years Later
Five years after the attack on San Bernardino left 14 people dead and 22 seriously injured, the former chief of police now calls the Coachella Valley his part-time home. Jarrod Burguan retired in 2019 after nearly 30 years in law enforcement. He talked with News Channel 3’s John White about the terror attack at the
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Family of 19-year-old woman struck & killed by vehicle seek to prevent further tragedies in the area
Cyklali Garcia The family of a 19-year-old woman who was struck and killed by a vehicle took the time to speak about her as they continue their fight for justice. Cyklali Garcia (identified as Cyklali Alaniz by the coroner’s office), 19, of Mecca, was killed on the evening of November 12 on the 97700 block
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Familia recuerda a joven atropellada en Mecca, exigen justicia
Una cruz con flores conmemora el lugar donde Cyklali García perdió su vida el 12 de noviembre.
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Condenado por asesinato en una gasolinera de Palm Desert en 2014…
Un hombre de 24 años que disparó y mató a un hombre de Palm Desert en una gasolinera hace casi seis años fue condenado hoy por asesinato en segundo grado. Luego de tres días de deliberaciones, un jurado de Murrieta encontró a Kurtis Knigge de La Quinta culpable de un cargo de asesinato y disparar
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Felon convicted in 2014 Palm Desert gas station murder
A 24-year-old felon who shot and killed a Palm Desert man at a gas station nearly six years ago was convicted today of second-degree murder. Following three days of deliberations, a Murrieta jury found Kurtis Knigge of La Quinta guilty of one count each of murder and shooting at an occupied vehicle, along with several
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La Semana del Modernismo 2021 se traslada a abril…
La Semana del Modernismo del próximo año se ha pospuesto hasta abril para ofrecer la mejor experiencia posible. El popular evento de Palm Springs estaba originalmente programado para realizarse en febrero, pero se tomó la decisión de retrasarlo para dar al estado y al condado más tiempo para mejorar su estado de salud y para
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Las pruebas de coronavirus tienen una gran demanda en todo el valle…
Las pruebas de coronavirus tienen una gran demanda en todo el Valle de Coachella. La ciudad de Rancho Mirage y Curative ahora están abriendo un nuevo sitio de prueba COVID-19 sin costo en el estacionamiento oeste de la biblioteca y observatorio de Rancho Mirage el martes 1 de diciembre de 2020. Más información de este
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2021 Modernism Week moves to April; Online experience set for February
Next year’s Modernism Week has been postponed to April in order to provide the best experience possible. The popular Palm Springs event was originally scheduled to be held in February but the decision was made to push it back in order to give the state and county more time to improve its health status and
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Tracking warm temperatures, dry air, and gusty winds that will elevated fire danger
Temperatures for this time of year should be in the low 70s. We are tracking warmer than normal temperatures through the week, though still remaining comfortable. The warmest day of the week will be Tuesday with some areas peaking to 80°. Some cooling will set in by the middle of the week. The reason we
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Nuevo restaurante en Palm Springs celebrará una feria de empleo el 1 de diciembre…
El restaurante más nuevo de Palm Springs, 1501 Uptown Gastropub, está buscando contratar y está organizando una feria de empleo para posibles empleados el martes 1 de diciembre. La feria de empleo se realizará de 10 a.m. a 4 p.m. 1501 Uptown Gastropub está ubicado en 1501 N Palm Canyon Drive, cerca del hotel Arrive.
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Riverside County shares latest on local surge in weekly public health update
Riverside University Health System’s weekly coronavirus provided an insight into the local coronavirus surge. Watch the full update below: Riverside County reported over 2,000 new cases since Friday. The county also surpassed its highest amount of coronavirus-related hospitalizations since the pandemic started. Full Details: Riverside County reaches record-high in coronavirus hospitalizations
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New Palm Springs restaurant holding a job fair on Dec. 1
Palm Springs’ newest restaurant, 1501 Uptown Gastropub, is looking to hire and is hosting a job fair for prospective employees on Tuesday, Dec. 1. The job fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1501 Uptown Gastropub is located at 1501 N Palm Canyon Drive, near the Arrive hotel. The restaurant is looking
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Aulas de la Primaria Gerald Ford vandalizadas durante el fin de semana..
Las aulas de la escuela primaria Gerald Ford sufrieron graves actos de vandalismo luego de un robo durante el fin de semana, anunciaron los funcionarios en las redes sociales. Las fotos compartidas en la página de Facebook de la escuela muestran pintura salpicada sobre varias computadoras, paredes, pizarrones y pantallas de la escuela, así como
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Newsom advierte que podría llegar otra “orden de quedarse en casa” por aumento en hospitalizaciones…
El gobernador de California, Gavin Newsom, dijo en una rueda de prensa este lunes que, si continúan los preocupantes aumentos de casos de coronavirus en el estado, se podrían tomar “medidas drásticas”, incluyendo una “orden de quedarse en casa”. Newsom señaló el crecimiento reciente de las hospitalizaciones por COVID-19 en las últimas dos semanas, que
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Gerald Ford Elementary classrooms burglarized & vandalized over the weekend
Gerald Ford Elementary’s classrooms were severely and vandalized following a break-in over the weekend, officials announced on social media. Photos shared out on the school’s Facebook page show paint splattered over several school computers, walls, boards, and screens as well as a broken window, projector and vent, damage to the ceiling and a TV, and
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El condado de Riverside alcanza un récord en…
Hospitalizaciones por coronavirus Cambios de caso desde el viernes El condado de Riverside informó 2.126 nuevos casos desde el viernes. Esto eleva el número total de casos a 84,412. California emite un mandato de máscara más estricto, implementa las 10 p.m. toque de queda El gobernador Gavin Newsom dijo en su actualización el lunes 30
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A Mild, Comfortable Week Ahead
High pressure is building in, and that will keep highs slightly above average for the week. Normally, we’d be in the lower seventies, but we area expecting highs in the upper-seventies through Wednesday. There is also a modest Santa Ana Wind Event in place, resulting in a Wind Advisory to our West. Those winds will
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