New measures in place to protect homeless in Palm Springs amid coronavirus outbreak
New measures are being taken to protect the homeless in Palm Springs during the coronavirus outbreak.
Well in the Desert helps about 100 homeless individuals on any normal day. With circumstances far from normal, demand is already increasing.
“It’s quite scary...I was at Walmart two nights ago. There’s nothing really there. So this coronavirus is really full front. Living on the streets we have limited things it’s scary,” said Twyla Sameito, a Well in the Desert visitor. “If it wasn’t for Well in the Desert we’d be dead. They’ve always come to our rescue,” she added.
The rooms at the Well are normally packed. But now, staff members are respecting health guidelines and only allowing 10 in a room at a time -- rotating visitors.
“I think most people understand here. If this place wasn’t available then I wouldn’t have a place to come in the daytime,” said Janos Szilagyi, another visitor.
With the city of Palm Springs ordered to shelter in place on top of the wet weather, demand for help is high. And expected to grow as more and more people are out of work.
“I work in the restaurant business and all of the restaurants are shutting down it sucks for a lot of people,” said Michael Pozos, visitor, Well in the Desert.
“It puts a ton of weight on those of us who provide essentials like food to’s not going to be a pretty picture,” said Arlene Rosenthal, President of Well in the Desert.
“The police reassured us they would like us to stay open. The city wants us to stay open,” added Philven Sitton, co-manager.
Police, the city and homeless organizations are working on setting up a possible overnight homeless shelter to address the increased need.
In the meantime, Well in the Desert says they need donations: warm clothing, jackets, umbrellas, toiletries, water, non-perishables, etc.
“We face each day as it comes to us,” said Rosenthal.