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Valley school districts clarify extracurricular safety policies

After a difficult year of isolation, several social and extracurricular activities are resuming at valley schools.  “It’s very important. It’s connectedness to the school. It’s been very long since our students have had that opportunity,” said Deanna Keuilian, Director of Secondary Curriculum and Instruction, PSUSD.  “It’s being able to get a sense of normalcy and

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Seamless Summer Option providing free school meals for students at dozens of schools within Palm Springs Unified School District

Students at more than two dozen schools within Palm Springs Unified will be eligible for free breakfast and lunch, because of an option called Seamless Summer. Enrolled students at the following schools will be eligible: Agua Caliente Elementary Bella Vista Elementary   Bubbling Wells Elementary Cabot Yerxa Elementary   Cahuilla Elementary Cathedral City Elementary   Cielo Vista Charter Della S. Lindley Elementary   Julius Corsini Elementary Katherine Finchy

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PSUSD teachers surprise students with creative rendition of ‘The Heart of Rock & Roll,’ giving behind-the-scenes look at distance learning

A group of music teachers at Palms Springs Unified School District surprised their students with a special music video on Wednesday — giving their students a behind-the-scenes look at what really goes into distance learning from their perspective.  “The students were not aware that we were making this project. They had turned in songs and

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Is it safe to ride the school bus? Local school districts outline new health & safety protocols for kids

Several new protocols are in place as students transition back to campus — that includes changes when it comes to your child’s transportation.  “We are so excited,” said Jessica Koahou, Interim Transportation Manager, DSUSD. Koahou explains school bus drivers play an important role each morning: they’re often the first face your child sees on the way

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