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KESQ Voter Guide: Prop 18

Primary Voting for 17-year-olds Amendment Amends California constitution to permit 17-year-olds to vote in primary and special elections if they will turn 18 by the next general election and be otherwise eligible to vote What does a Yes vote mean?Eligible 17-year-olds who will be 18 years old by the time of the next general election

KESQ Voter Guide: Prop 19

Property Tax Transfers, Exemptions, and Revenue for Wildfire Agencies and Counties Amendment Allows homeowners who are over 55, disabled, or wildfire/disaster victims to transfer primary residence’s tax base to replacement residence. Changes taxation of family-property transfers. Establishes fire protection services fund. What does a Yes vote mean?All homeowners who are over 55 (or who meet

KESQ Voter Guide: Prop 20

Criminal Sentencing, Parole, and DNA Collection Initiative Limits access to parole program established for non-violent offenders who have completed the full term of their primary offense by eliminating eligibility for certain offenses What does a Yes vote mean?People who commit certain theft-related crimes (such as repeat shoplifting) could receive increased penalties (such as longer jail

KESQ Voter Guide: Prop 21

Local Rent Control Initiative Allows local governments to establish rent control on residential properties over 15 years old. Local limits on rate increases may differ from statewide limit What does a Yes vote mean?State law would allow cities and counties to apply more kinds of rent control to more properties than under current law. What

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